2800 NW 38th Ave North، سانت بطرسبرغ، فلوريدا 33713
& سوق الكاريبي
مطبخ كاريبي محلي أصيل مطهو منزليًا للجميع
Daily Menu
We offer the following dishes daily. Please call 727-800-5944 should you have any questions, concerns, or special requests. You can also call in to place your order or order online at your convenience. ***Not all pictures are accurate depictions of our meals rather their purpose serves to give you an idea or example of the dish.*** We do not claim ownership of all photos and have requested permission of use.
Our Signature Dishes
All dishes are cooked to order. Due to our policy and dedication to provide freshly cooked food, *all meals are subject to availability*. Should you place your order online and one or more items are unavailable we will give you a courtesy call to notify you of availability. We take pride in providing fresh home-cooked style meals to order for our guests. There is generally a wait time of a minimum of 30 mins for your order to be prepared. Please keep in mind there are times when we may have an excess of orders and there is the possibility of longer wait times. If you are pressed for time we strongly recommend ordering either online or over the phone in advance so that your meal(s) will be ready for pickup upon arrival. On behalf of Pam's Roti Shop & Caribbean Market, we thank you for your patience while we prepare your order of fresh home-cooked food.
Additional Sides
All sides are additional and served in separate containers. They can be included with any meal.
Our to-die-for Patties
Freshly baked Beef and Chicken patties daily. We also have Cocoa Bread! If you would like to include Cocoa Bread in you order please click the appropriate selection when ordering online, or ask us to include it when placing your order over the phone.
Trinidad-Style Doubles
Our doubles are made from scratch and cooked to order. We don't believe in pre-mix flour or canned channa (garbanzo beans). We do have a minimum order of (2) two doubles per order. Along with the doubles we offer optional pepper and/or tamarind sauce to go either in or on the side of your doubles.